RefinED Character is an educational consulting company specializing in social emotional development for preK-12 and collegiate communities.


Showing Tag: "culture" (Show all posts)

Whether Men Haze Bison or Humans, The Explanations Are Oddly Similar

Posted by Scott Heydt on Monday, April 21, 2014, In : Hazing 

RefinED Friends,

Several days ago, while sifting through my Google Alert daily digest e-mails, I encountered an article entitled “Hazing to be Regular Event in Gardiner Basin” published April 7 in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.

Regular event? Seriously?

Mind you, all I saw at the time was the article name, the publication date, and the source. (Looking back, there was more included below, but at the time I think my shock at the article title blocked all else from my view)....

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It Was Years Ago; It Was Hazing

Posted by Scott Heydt on Monday, December 16, 2013, In : Hazing 

RefinED Friends,

It was years ago. 

The basement was dark, the music loud.  I’d been led there, blindfolded, by an active member and told to wait.  I stood there, sensing other voices in the distance.  He told me, “Hold your arms straight out in front of you.”  I did. 

They became weighted with what could only be a tire.  “Don’t let it fall,” he said.  I didn’t. 

“Now, recite the Creed,” he demanded.  And so, from pure memorization, I did so.  The words me...

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