Whether Men Haze Bison or Humans, The Explanations Are Oddly Similar
Posted by Scott Heydt on Monday, April 21, 2014,
In :
RefinED Friends,
Several days ago, while sifting through my Google Alert
daily digest e-mails, I encountered an article entitled “Hazing
to be Regular Event in Gardiner Basin” published April 7 in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
Regular event? Seriously?
Mind you, all I saw at the time was the article name, the publication date, and the source. (Looking back, there was more included below, but at the time I think my shock at the article title blocked all else from my view)....
RefinED Friends,
It was years ago.
The basement was dark, the music loud. I’d been led there, blindfolded, by an active member and told to wait. I stood there, sensing other voices in the distance. He told me, “Hold your arms straight out in front of you.” I did.
They became weighted with what could only be a tire. “Don’t let it fall,” he said. I didn’t.
“Now, recite the Creed,” he demanded. And so, from pure memorization, I did so. The words me...